Thursday, June 25, 2020

Late Father's Day letter

Hey Pops, how are you today?

Business is absolutely booming. The coronavirus panic hasn't hurt us one lick. I'm not sure without crunching the numbers but I think we're having the best year in a decade. Now I just need both the work and the old barn to hold up another ten years and I'll be fine. Yeah, I know you and Joe never intended to retire. Maybe I shouldn't either. I suppose I have ten years to make up my mind then, eh, the good Lord willing and the crick don't rise.

They're actually, supposedly supposed to play baseball this year. MLB is looking at a start date of July 24. As much as it hasn't affected us that virus has done a number on the grand old game. I bet you're glad you ain't gotta worry about bizarre things like viruses anymore. I imagine you still worry a bit about about baseball, it being baseball and all. We had a lot of good times hitting and catching back in the day didn't we?

People complain about roadwork in Michigan but I don't see it much better in Ohio and Indiana. They're still working on rebuilding that interchange at I-75 and US 68 in Findlay, and there's so much happening on Interstate 70 heading into Indianapolis that I have to factor in more time going there. And of all things Main Street is closed in Arlington Ohio for 120 days to be rebuilt. I never thought that little town had enough traffic to damage the roads. But I found a way around it, out into the country. I'd say it's a nice side trip but it's always dark when I'm driving that stretch, so I can't says how pretty it might be. All told though, I like being on the road. I know very well now why you and Joe liked it so much. Beats looking at Phil trying to work too.

Mom's all right such as we can expect these days. You know the situation quite well of course. Just keep your hand on her shoulder and it'll all be fine in the end.

Seven years now. Wow.

Until next time,


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