Thursday, June 4, 2020

You should vote in person

There are several reasons why I don't like mail in voting. Five came to my house yesterday, as forms asking everyone in my household to vote by mail. The trouble is, three of those voters no longer live here. They live out of state.

Such inaccurate voter rolls with the obvious opportunity for fraud worry me. What's to stop me from requesting ballots and voting for myself and three of the four?

I won't do that of course. Yet that's because of me and my principles and not due to the diligence of the Detroit City Clerk's office. They wouldn't know. What's worse, they wouldn't check. If they actually checked up on things, we would have gotten two and not five ballot requests.

Outside of legitimate circumstances, you should only vote in person and on election day. This insures against fraud while serving the true purpose of elections: as a snapshot of what the nation thinks on that day, not days or weeks before (or after).

What might change between your voting by mail and election day that might cause you to reflect and alter your vote? You don't know. You cannot know. That is why we need an election day and not an election season.

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