Saturday, June 6, 2020

Ontonagon and Gogebic

Ontonagon and Gogebic may sound alien to you. They were indeed alien to me at one time. They are that no more. I have paid them visits.

Ontonagon and Gogebic counties are the westernmost counties in the far reaches of Michigan's glorious Upper Peninsula. They make up two of Michigan's Eighty-Three counties. They are further from Detroit by road than our nation's capital. Until yesterday, Friday, June 5, in the Year of Our Lord 2020, I had not seen them.

I have now. As I had to be in Marquette, Michigan, a tad over half way to those those rural regions, on 6/5/20, I decided after business was there transacted to proceed on west young man. A significant part of me wished to get back to Hessel in Michigan's quite glorious unto its own right eastern U.P. Yet the call of the then unknown, the siren of the west, was strong.

I answered. Went west did I young man, and by such action I have now been in each and every county in me home State of Michigan. I have visited all 83 counties of this, my home and noble State.

Who says Marty does nothing in the moment, nor has he a bucket list?

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