Monday, June 15, 2020

Smile, smile, smile

I find myself literally giggling at myself more and more lately. Sure, many of you have laughed at me in the past: I haven't forgotten that. Sometimes I've laughed along with it. But now it's more about the growing realization that I am not getting younger.

As I bent over to pick a wrench up off the floor today I realized exactly how far away the floor was and how much my body did not want me to bend down to pick that wretched wrench up. I laughed at myself over that. As I turned a screwdriver to adjust the clutch on a machine my shoulder positively begged me not to do it. I did it anyway of course. But I giggled at myself over my own body resisting me.

It's not as though I haven't known that aging meant bodily resentments. It's just that I didn't expect to find aging genuinely funny.

Oh well. Better to laugh than to cry I suppose.

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