Saturday, August 21, 2021

A hero in my own mind

Technology, eh? You gotta love it. Especially when you can mock it.

I remember years ago when we had a chess game on the computer, which was the computer around 1994 as there wasn't another in the house, unlike today where we all have our own. I discovered a function which allowed me to switch sides when the game was just about to beat me. A move or two away, when checkmate was obvious, I'd switch sides, make a move or two, and then the computer voice would lament electronically, "Good game. You win." And I would think, computers are so stupid.

Lately I've seen commercials for a device called Hero, an automatic pill dispenser. You fill it with up to 90 days of medications and it will for three months give you exactly the number of pills you need at the right time. I can see how this can be quite handy for someone taking several different meds. But for a snarky fellow such as yours truly, I find myself mocking such admittedly convenient technology.

The only actual prescription medicine I take is a strong Flonase, a nasal spray. I can see myself staring Hero in the face and asking, "How are you gonna dispense THAT, Hero?" 

Then again, I do take a vitamin D supplement each day. Then my thoughts become, so I'll buy a dispenser, fill it to the 90 day maximum, and let it give me one little gel pill right as I rise in the morning. The machine, were it sentient, and I sure hope it isn't, would be thinking, "Really, Marty? Are you underusing me just to be insulting?"

Of course I am. Which is why I'm glad the machines aren't sentient.

They aren't, are they? Please don't tell me I missed the memo.

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