Monday, August 30, 2021

Mind your temper

I think I've well established that me Grandpa Joe had a temper. I feel silly repeating that so often as I do but a new reader might not know it. I must be aware of that and thus be repetitive.

Me Pops by his own assertion said he had a bad temper too. I know he had a temper, as I found myself on the wrong side of it (and justly) more times than I care to recount. Yet he seemed not to get irritated at his father with any regularity.

He did of course at times show his anger. I don't remember what it was about but I can only remember being in the Shop once where Dad went so far as to raise his voice at Joe. Me Grandpa honestly appeared cowed by it and backed down readily. That may be exactly what can happen with the judicious use of anger: even those prone to outburst themselves take note.

I asked me Pops once why he didn't display his temper so much around Joe. His explanation was, "Joe was here first, and I figure he has seniority, so I needed to keep mine in check."

Makes sense to me.

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