Friday, August 13, 2021

Systemic government

Simply to cut to the chase on this issue, I'm not half so worried about climate change as I am what ours and many other governments might do under its banner. I know that a bright red flag is being waived; we gotta do something now!

The hell we do, quite frankly, especially in light of the fact that virtually everything which comes out of the government and the media are crises. This has nearly always been the case: globalcoolingwarmingclimate panics have been around for decades now. And this is only one example. The entire COVID debacle is another: a crisis was created and then spectacularly mishandled. We're supposed to trust government after that?

Why should we believe for a New York minute that a government (and, I stress, a media) which causes so many problems will magically be the solution this time around? It's hubris, friends, a supreme and self inflating arrogance to think as much. I mean, if we are to believe (I do not, but for the sake of argument) in such a thing as systemic racism, from whence does it come? Government, plain and simple. So the supposed system which oppresses you currently (again, only for argument sake) will not oppress you further if given tyrannically greater power? 

The argument answers itself. But will it, can it in some quarters, be heard?

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