Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Ash Wednesday 2022

Lent begins today for a world which didn't feel so dangerous a scant few days ago as it does this morning. This after the travesty that was COVID, which vexed us for a couple years. Yet here we are.

We must remember there is nothing new under the Sun. As the world spins her intrigue we must look past all of it, to remind ourselves that part of the lack of newness is the constant need for personal revival. The dawning of Lent offers us the occasion to be introspective, to recall that if we are to have a better world we need to become better people. As Jordan Petersen says, if your own house isn't in order you cannot better order the world, which is a decidedly larger home than your own. And much less manageable than your person.

Lent gives us the opportunity to manage our person better. Ideally, at the end of it we will be better persons. If we succeed in that, we will have done our small part in making a better world. Get that snowball rolling, and who knows what great good can come of ourselves, of those near and dear to us, and, no doubt in my mind, of the union of nations.

I figure it's worth the risk of forty days personal reflection.

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