Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Reason 58,319 That I Don't Get Government

Many of you know that I recently had a book published. As of today I am owed for the first month's royalties. No, I'm not taking everyone out. The sales aren't aren't that impressive, although for one month availability with next to no push I'm happy. And I can't get the money anyway until I give my publisher a W-9. I truly don't understand why I must do that. 

Do you know what the book people need in order to pay me? My address and my Social Security Number. Do you know what information goes on a W-9? My address and Social Security Number. Nothing more. Not another scratch.

Why can't I simply give my publisher that information? Why must there even be such a form? It doesn't make sense; I see absolutely no rhyme nor reason for it.

Oh, I'm sure there's some bit of bureaucratic doggerel somewhere which completely justifies it. Once I hear it I'm sure I will be totally converted to the government's reasoning. I just need to be enlightened.
That's sarcasm, by the way. I'm sure the justification will not convince me.

Thomas Sowell opined that, for bureaucracies, it's not about the sanest way to do things. It's about the process and nothing else. He's right. 

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