Tuesday, March 22, 2022

I'm Turning Here

This may turn into a curmudgeon rant. Give me a minute and we'll see how it develops.

I hate, I absolutely despise, when people waiting at street corners to cross the street feel as though they must, they simply must, mind you, get as much of a head start on hiking across that street as possible. I don't see any other reason why they would crowd the roadway as much as they do.

As I approached Warren Avenue yesterday intending to turn right onto Trumbull, this nimrod stood more than on the corner. His toes were hanging off the cement and over the street. But here I am driving on Warren and needing the curb lane to turn, where I have the right of way mind you, yet if I get close enough to him to do that I risk brushing him back or clipping the guy with a bumper. I had to stay partially in traffic, blocking the second lane by about half, or I may have brushed against the man.

I should have been able to hit him, if there were any real justice in the world. Get the hell back away from the street when you aren't in the act of crossing it, Bullwinkle. That hacked me off.

Now, was I curmudgeon enough, or  nowhere nearly enough?

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