Saturday, March 19, 2022

Impatient Reader

It's gradually taking me over, but I'm kicking and screaming all the while. I don't want to be dragged into the 21st Century. I'm still not really living in the 20th.

A friend and I were talking about reading yesterday. We both agreed that we still prefer by far actual printed tomes over ebooks. But I must confess (okay, maybe not must, but saying it that way sounds so dramatic) that I am increasingly appreciating ebooks.

They don't take up physical room. Well, duh. Seeing as I've accumulated boxes upon boxes of books which are increasingly getting in my way, it's good when you can have something that doesn't do that. But what's more, ebooks can be had immediately rather than in two to five days, so that when I want to read something particular now, this very minute, I can. And they're cheaper, which plays well with the Scotsman in me.

I can still make fun of the tight Scotsman, right? I'm not stepping on any important toes there? I won't be cancelled over it?

Anyway, ebooks feed my need to have something in my possession right now, this very moment. And that does have a charm and satisfaction of its own. Still, 21st Century, you're not taking me without a fight because, well, I'm Scottish. At least a little bit.

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