Monday, April 25, 2022

Getting Her Share

One of the best things about having gotten beyond COVID - we are beyond COVID, aren't we? - is that the fast food restaurants are reopening their dining rooms. For me and me Mom, this means that on our Sunday excursions we can actually sit comfortably at a booth or a table and eat our cheeseburgers. It sure beats uncomfortably having lunch with our food on our laps or the dashboard and with napkins everywhere. Or me negotiating bites around the steering wheel.

It also lets Mom refill her Diet Pepsi. 

Nearly all McDonalds and Burger Kings and whatnot offer soda fountains outside of the counter so that customers can get refills easily. That is a perk of which me Mom takes full advantage. 

When we had finished eating yesterday and I had thrown our trash away (another convenience of eating in the restaurant) she said, "I want to fill my pop." It was no problem of course, as I knew she'd want to as we left.

What I did not expect was how much she drank as we approached the soda fountain. She took the straw of her drink in her mouth and sucked down nearly half the contents. She had hardly touched it when we were actually eating our lunch. I was positively pie eyed in astonishment as I watched her. You could see the top line of her pop dropping inside the cup.

That old woman was going to get her fair share of Diet Pepsi. And, hey, why not? That's why the machines are there, right?

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