Monday, April 4, 2022

Twisted Golf

If you aren't at least a modest golf fan, this probably will mean nothing to you. So it goes. To even only a moderate golf fan such as myself, though, I'm stupefied.

While watching the Texas Open this past weekend I saw something I had never seen before: a sand trap smack in the middle of the putting green. What sick, twisted fiend would do such a thing?

Sand traps are the bane of many a golfer. Still, I get them in the context of the game: they make it more challenging. They make you make your shots; if you hit the ball into the trap, you hit poorly.

But you're supposed to hit the green. The game is designed for you to make the green. That's where the hole is after all, the place where the adventure ends. That you might get punished for that is simply wrong. It's what you would find on Satan's back nine. Or front nine more likely, to clue you in on whatever additional horrors which must surely come after the hellish monstrosity of a sand trap on a putting surface.

Traps on greens just ain't right, folks.

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