Thursday, April 7, 2022

I Swear, North Carolina

It was a good day playing license plate bingo yesterday. I saw 35 states and 6 Canadian Provinces. One I distinctly remember was North Carolina, because I swore at it.

I don't mean any offense to my North Carolina friends and family of course. But here I was, traveling northbound on I-465, the beltway freeway which circles Indianapolis, Indiana, in the far left lane because my exit was coming up, well, on the left. I was doing about 65 or so. It was well over the posted limit but I was keeping up with traffic flow as you're supposed to, and I had to be there for my exit.

It was raining but not a torrential downfall when North Carolina leaps in front of me. I don't mind that, really. Cars, though not typically from North Carolina, often enough jump into the lane ahead of me when I'm driving. But then this one brakes suddenly, causing me and however many folks behind to brake suddenly. North Carolina slowed to under 40 miles per hour in the fast lane of Interstate 465 in slippery road conditions. It makes your body seize up, anticipating that either you're going to hit them or someone else will hit you from behind.

What made matters worse was that, in being able to get around the car, I saw the two passengers clearly looking at their cell phones, pointing and arguing about something (I assume directions, but whatever) as they drove. As I got back in the lane (remember my exit approached) North Carolina casually slipped across five lanes of traffic to the far right. 

Talk about an accident waiting to happen. I think I was within my rights to swear at North Carolina. But only the car, not the state. I promise.

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