Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Perchance to Dream

I am not one to engage in new or unusual cuisine. Odd or interesting gastronomical delights do not delight me. So why was I dreaming of bizarre foods last night?

I don't remember much of what was on the menu. We do tend to forget dreams, and that's generally just as well. But one bizarre food I distinctly recall was given me by, of all people, me brother Patrick, a man of limited and quite sharply defined tastes. It was a sandwich of vanilla wafers, mayonnaise, melted cheese, peanut butter (a super thick layer), and a chicken nugget. Or perhaps it was a fish nugget, I'm not sure. You know how dreams have that unreal quality, right?

Still, it was one of those dreams which was so real I could almost taste the food. I am just as glad I could not. Still, if I find Patrick eating such a sandwich today, I will begin doing all I can to wake myself up.

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