Friday, April 15, 2022

The Big If

Good Friday. The day when Christ was crucified. It isn't a big deal if he were only a scalawag or criminal. It really isn't even a big deal if He were simply a common man who was a bit delusional. He would be just another unfortunate soul who bad men put to death.

But what if He is what he says he is? What if He is the Son of God? What if He actually did come to Earth to save us? What if salvation, an eternity of happiness and bliss, really came from His act?

It's hard for me to argue that He wasn't exactly who He said he was. If He were a criminal, then what crimes did He commit, as Pilate asked. If He were insane, how can we trust anything He says, even the stuff about being good to one another? Such would only incidentally be true if He were crazy. 

What if he were simply lying about being the key to salvation? He certainly didn't back down even under threat of death, which is exactly what should be expected of a charlatan.

It leaves the question: what if He was indeed who He said he was? What if He could do what He promised He could?

The big If. I urge you on this Good Friday 2022 to ask yourself if and to answer honestly. Because if He is who He says He is, we have a lot to answer for. Thankfully, He has a lot of forgiveness to give out. 

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