Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Democracy Dies in Darkness

It has been leaked that the United States Supreme Court is set to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow individual states to decide for themselves on the question of abortion. All that really does is line the issue back up with the Constitution, a perfectly understandable and reasonable idea so far as it goes. So why did abortion become a federal mandate to begin with? The simple answer is that our friends on the left who love democracy don't like it when democracy don't get them what they want. They go to the courts and try to twist the Constitution to force their way. They attempt to mandate their will.

It's no different an attitude than what they hold in other areas. Tolerance is great...except tolerance of ideas they don't like, such as tolerance of the pro-life. Free speech is great...except for the speech of those who disagree with them, especially in areas which cast doubt on their pet causes. Diversity is our strength...unless it's fed by the diverse ideas of conservatives and capitalists.

Ultimately, they can't be bothered to trust the political process about their ideas, oh no no no. They can't have their aims subject to debate in the arena of democracy. Their ideas are too important to be left to the people. The people might disagree. We can't have that now, can we?

Abortion has been and will continue to be a divisive issue. I can live with that myself, so long as debate about it is open, honest, and rational. But can those who disagree with me? Or are they too afraid, deep in their souls, that they might be wrong? For that, I believe, is the ultimate and final reason why they want the might of the government of the United States to wield as their cudgel. They don't trust their own values to actually win in the court of public opinion precisely because they fear they might be wrong. So they ditch their praise of democracy and employ raw power to get their way, because important decisions can't be left to the people. In their Orwellian newspeak, that's undemocratic.

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