Friday, May 27, 2022


Whatabouters. I hate them.

You do too I bet. I'm talking (ahem) about those people who object to everything. No choice, no option, is legitimate or proper. Yet they object to any and all suggestions put forth.

I've been on my Parish Council at Church, involved in politics, social clubs, kids sports and what have you and they all have whatabouters. Worse, whatabouters seem to be the most common attendees at meetings for any such organizations. I guess they have nothing better to do.

If A is presented, what about B? If B, have you thought about C? They then commence to run you through the entire alphabet and more of objections. But they won't themselves to commit to anything. Something must be done, but all ideas are all wrong.

Whatabouters. I hate them. They're just a bunch of time wasters.

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