Monday, May 23, 2022

Just Don't

There's a thing which happens occasionally on my Facebook page which I find annoying. I'm sure it's happens to others too, on their pages, and I wonder if it annoys them as well.

At times I will post items which I confess are provocative in the sense that I know they'll provoke, at least in the minds of another person, certain reactions. Yet I will also say that, while sometimes pointed, I try to avoid plain old rudeness. That never helps engender decent conversation. So I resent having rudeness thrown back in return. I say this admitting that I have all too often been rude of my own volition, my own lack of tact and consideration. Being human, I have allowed myself to fail the test of charity (and a great many other tests too I assure you) from time to time. Yet when it does finally get through my thick skull that I've been rude or what have you I do try very hard and very sincerely to make what amends I can.

That said, I've posted serious things on serious matters which get thumbs up signs, angry smiley emojis, and all in between. But I find it profoundly aggravating when someone posts a laughing out loud emoji in response to a very serious post. I wonder why they would do that. And the only explanation I can come up with is that they have nothing better to offer in response. I wonder whether they, in their hearts, know that any argument they might make in their own defense must be tepid and shallow.

If you want to disagree with me, disagree with me. But to respond, basically, that what I just said is so stupid and moronic that all it deserves is to be laughed off the stage indicates to me that you have no sane rebuttal. Otherwise, you would have offered it. No one who genuinely seeks truth simply laughs off the rational opinion of another. They respond calmly and rationally. They only call it insane or inane if it truly merits that. Even then, they should do so as charitably as possible.

For the record, I see this on the left and the right and even from the center. And no one should do it. I don't care how stupid you believe the other person to be, or even how rude they're being. If that's all you got, just don't say anything. Don't respond at all.

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