Monday, September 18, 2023

NYC Thoughts

I'm trying to make up my mind whether I could live in New York City or its environs. 

There really is a lot to like. Active neighborhoods, sports venues, and large park areas. Interesting stores abound as well. Prices are good enough at stores and restaurants, not more than a tad higher than smaller cities. Rents and houses I can't speak to though.

What's not to like? I think I'm a people person at heart, but there's a lot of people. From my limited experience traffic isn't all that bad, but there is a lot of it just the same. Be ready, as I intimated the other day, for way too many car honking symphonies. There seems to be activity all the time, which can be disconcerting.

I think the lack of ready parking is my biggest turn off. I'm too much of a Midwesterner to want to wait to drive my car; I want to go places when I want to go. I want to walk outside my door, and there's my wheels. They aren't blocks away or lodged in a parking structure.

The judgment? Definitely a great place to visit. The jury is out on making it a home.

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