Friday, September 8, 2023

Radio Voice

A customer told me yesterday that I have a great voice, one that would be good for voiceovers. He said he meant it, that it was a compliment. I'm willing to take it on that level. I do have one voiceover artist job to my credit. Indeed he wasn't the first to remark that I had such a quality. But I always felt my voice sounded kind of whiny for such. Quiet, Ron.

I don't really know how complimented I ought to be though. A waitress once told me I sounded like Disney's Jiminy Cricket while Bally Sports Detroit's John Keating remarked that my voice was odd enough for Cartoon Network. So there's that.

As I don't believe any of us hear ourselves the way other folks do I don't think I can comment accurately on what exactly I sound like. On top of that of course, I'm trying to establish myself as a writer. That strikes me as ironic in some vague sense. Perhaps I can produce my own audiobooks when the time comes.

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