Friday, September 15, 2023

Oh The Humanity

I can take criticism. Oh, I have my days where I don't want to hear it. But I do try to bull through that resistance and accept what critics tell me. I wouldn't be putting my writing 'out there' if I couldn't do that.

Still, reviewers are human, and themselves subject to be wrong. A recent critic of my book The Sublime to the Ridiculous: Family Lore is in that spot.

She gave the book three stars out of five because "It reads more like a blog, which the author indicates is the source material, and would work better as that."

Oh. Kay. First off, I don't 'indicate' that a blog is the source material, I say flat out in the preface that the book is made up of blog posts. That's called a compilation. Many books are compilations. It's a standard practice.

Second, she knocks a blog collection because it's a blog collection? I'm deprived two stars for that?

Sometimes I don't get people. 

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