Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Second of January, 2020

Today is January 2nd, the day after New Year's. Yeah, I know. Brilliant deduction Marty! How ever did you figure that out?

Self deprecating humor aside, it doesn't feel like the day after anything to me anymore. It even feels like a plain old Thursday in fact. You know how the day after a holiday usually feels like Monday? Nope, not for me. It honestly feels like Thursday, as it should.

I don't even feel the disappointment of the Holidays being over as I once did. Sure, they're over. The kids are gone and all that. But visits and the ends of visits happen all year long now, what with all my kids living out of state. It isn't any worse this one time now that that's become the new normal.

My most pressing feeling right this minute is that as I'm curling in a three day bonspiel starting tomorrow (Friday as it were: another helpful note courtesy of yours truly) I need to get a lot of work done at the Shop today. Even if I get a lot done as planned, I've hit the point where my conscience is going to bother me tomorrow about not working tomorrow. Stupid conscience.

So all right, get to work and stop pounding away on the keyboard, doofus.

I'm going, I'm going, Mr. Marty's conscience.

Sheesh. Some guys don't shut up.

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