Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Mother's love

Mom and I were out at Meijer this past Sunday. I was looking to make an appointment for an eye exam if you must know, and I took her along for the ride. 

While we were in the store I decided to look around a bit. Hey, even Marty shops occasionally. Too, it does give Mom a bit of exercise (as the doctor ordered), and we always have a cart for her to hold onto anyway.

I began looking over some shirts. "Those are nice," Mom commented.

"Yes they are. I believe I'll get one," I responded, putting my selection in the shopping cart.

"Do you think Phil (my brother) would like one?" she asked.

I thought for a second and answered, "Yeah, he might."

"How much are they then? I'll buy him one," Mom decided out loud.

I replied, "Twenty dollars."

"No!" she immediately, emphatically said, turning away from the shirt display.

We left, had a bite of lunch, and I brought her home where Phil lives with her. Once inside, she went into her room for whatever reason and I went to the kitchen, where my brother sat with a cup of coffee. "Well, bro," I said, "I know Mom loves you, but she doesn't love you twenty dollars worth."

Phil broke down in tears.

No he didn't. He simply looked over his coffee mug, confused. But upon explanation he agreed that he didn't love himself twenty dollar shirt worth either.

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