Friday, August 28, 2020

Let's talk about the weather

Old guys talk about the weather. It's what they do. So, me being an old guy and you being a properly courteous and deferential youngster who will listen to me politely, I'll talk about the weather.

The Internet is a positive boon to old guys where weather is concerned. I just finished checking the radar and it's raining. Just like it was when I checked it five minutes ago. Or maybe four. You lose track of time when you're delighted.

Then there's the nice colors on the radar screen. Ohh, dark red, maybe even deep purple (you just had the opening guitar riff from Smoke on the Water run through your head, didn't you?) coming our way. What does it mean? The handy chart over to the side tells you very heavy rain is coming. Be still my heart. Will we get it? Will we?

It's tracking downwards on my screen. My live, real time radar feed that is. But that means it's heading south or southeast compared to my position. Nuts.

I'll leave it at that so as not to bore you (though I know you're not). I could do this all day myself.

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