Saturday, August 22, 2020

The diet talk

Thursday I had my semi-annual checkup, and it was nearly all good news. Everything is fine except my weight (why do doctors care so much about what I weigh?) and my blood pressure, which is marginally high at 136/80. "I think your pressure would be okay if you'd lose about 20 pounds, " the doc opined. "Keep walking like you do but eat less. What did you have for dinner yesterday?"

" Hot dogs, " I answered.

"How many did you have?"

" Two. "

"Marty, how many hot dogs did you have?" my doctor reasked knowingly.

My chin hit my chest in shame. "Four." I tried to blame the mustard. "It was stone ground, " I pleaded.

"Eat less Marty, and we'll see you in February."

I suppose by January I should start my diet then.

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