Monday, August 17, 2020

Mom's shingles

Mom has been doing pretty well lately. She did hit a bit of a low point in June. She had developed shingles and then dehydration, which required a three day hospital stay. Let me tell you, you do not want to get the look I got in the wee hours of the night I spent with her in Harper Hospital. When they woke her up at some ungodly hour to check her vitals and do a quick ultrasound, well, she looked at me the same way she did when I was a kid messing up. 'It's not my fault, Ma, the nurses are the ones doing it!' I wanted to say.

Anyway, she's rebounded back to how she was before all that. As I sat with her yesterday she talked about that hospital stay. "What was that I had?" she asked.

"Shingles," I replied.

She followed up with, "How'd I get that?"

I looked here right in the eye and answered plainly, "The roof."

Mom stared back for a minute and the burst out laughing. "I suppose I would," she cackled.

So we can still joke. Even, as I do, poorly.

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