Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Rising in the west

Have you ever had one of those experiences of extreme confusion? I have them all the time (quiet, Ron). In fact, I had one this very morning.

I couldn't take my walk because of morning rain. But as we're very busy at the Shop I went up there about 6:15 to tackle our backlog. When the time got to around 8:30 I'd decided to take a break and come home to check my e-mail and have a bit of breakfast. And, you know, maybe blog.

As I approached Avery from the direction of the old barn, heading east it might help to know, I saw light against the houses on the far side of the street. What threw me was that at half past eight in the morning light shouldn't be coming from the west, should it? The sun still rises in the east so far as I know.

That perplexed me. I mean, I was genuinely thrown off. It actually seemed as though the sun was shining from the west.

Of course, what it was (as I realized after a moment's thought) was the light growing in the west as the rain clouds moved east. But it did give the appearance of a western sunrise. So I'm not crazy.

Or at least, that can't be used to prove it.

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