Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Dry heaves

Dry salad. That doesn't sound appetizing at all does it? But that's what I'm going to try to have for lunch. Only that.

According to the five lettuce bag, and I ask, who ever even suspected there were five types of lettuce, it's only 15 calories per serving. Of course there are two and a half servings per bag. So I'll have eaten (as I will eat the whole bag in an attempt to keep a part of my piggish eating habits) thirty-seven and a half calories. For lunch. How do small game animals survive to become yummy meats for us?

I did buy a bag of apples which are supposed to be about 70 calories apiece. So wow. With an apple I can top 100 calories for the midday meal. Hoo-ray. All this after 200 calories of oatmeal this morning. 

But I vowed I would take my diet more seriously after the weekend. And Monday began well. I only had two slices of pizza and a brownie for breakfast. That's good, right?

At least I bought two bags of lettuce. If the first ain't enough I can splurge and hit 75 whole calories of leafy, leafy, I want to sat goodness yet that doesn't really apply does it?

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