Monday, September 21, 2020

Analyzing lawn signs

It's election season (heavy sigh). As such, we see quite a few lawn signs out there. Most are pretty straightforward: vote for this or that person, party, or ballot issue. But a few can be confusing.

Out on a Sunday drive with my dear mother yesterday, the signs were on display in all their, all their, uh, glory. Yet I was taken aback in confusion by one which I actually spied on about three lawns. It said, plainly, Romeo Concrete.

It didn't identify a party. It didn't say anything about Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or tiny little political party of your choice. It was not red, white, or blue in any combination. There wasn't so much as a small, star backed elephant or donkey on it to clue me in on what the sign supported.

I can't find a Romeo Concrete on any party website. I can't find where he/she/it is running for anything at all, or where he/she/it (they?) stand on any issue or ballot initiative. Indeed, politically I can't find anything about it at all.

So I think I'll vote for Romeo Concrete. If I'm in their district that is, which I can't find out either.

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