Thursday, September 24, 2020

Luck no luck

As I took my morning constitutional today I came across a slew of lottery tickets strewn across the road. This has actually happened to me once before. My eldest son and I spied a ton of lottery slips across a neighborhood intersection once and we stopped and picked them up. We took them to a nearby party store to check them out. You never know, right? They're bearer items, and even an errant ten bucks buys a pizza.

Alas, after several minutes of scanning the tickets we were not rich. We went and got a pizza anyway. Why not?

So, methinks, so maybe this time will be different. Maybe this time I will be able to get free pizza. I gathered all the slips and on returning home checked them out on my computer. And you know what?

I'm still gonna have to pay for my pizza.

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