Saturday, September 19, 2020

House Rules rule

I believe in house rules. So long as it's not immoral, your house, your rules. Fair enough, eh? So I would never drink or bring alcohol into the home of someone who didn't want it in there. It's the right thing attitude to have, out of respect for them.

One time however while we were staying with a tea totaling aunt of mine we brought in Cheerwine, a cherry soda very popular in North Carolina. Indeed it's so popular there there's a Cheerwine Festival every year in Salisbury, North Carolina where the pop is made. I'm not sure why, in a state with something of a dry history, the makers would add the term wine to their beverage, but hey. Their house, their rules, right?

Well, me Aunt found the empties and proceeded to lecture us on how we might dare bring wine into her house. It took us a few to minutes to explain that we would never do that, that it was a harmless, non alcohol, cherry pop, and that was all. Mollified, she allowed us to stay with her a few more days. 

It's a good thing the vodka we had added was odorless.

I kid, I kid! We did not and would not have done that. But in retrospect I probably would have showed her the Cheerwine upon arrival and let her have a bottle if she had liked, just to try.

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