Thursday, September 10, 2020

Halloween 2020

Well, Halloween is creeping up on us, isn't it? That means I have to put some thought into my costume.

I've went as myself many times and have been successfully scary (I saved you the joke; you're welcome). I've been the Charlie Brown ghost with all the extra eye holes. A couple of years ago I wore an old style hockey goalie mask like Jason from the Friday the 13th movies. I was actually a bit unnerved myself then because of the number of seven year olds who knew who Jason was. 

Last year I wore a goat mask while wearing a flannel shirt and farmer's overalls, sort of like the killer from (I think) the Texas Chainsaw massacre. I say I think because the horror genre is not one I'm actually up on. Oh, I know the most famous ones, Freddy Krueger, the aforementioned Jason and so on. But who doesn't, in this world of advertising and Halloween excess?

But I think I have my costume set for this year. I'll wear normal clothes but I'll walk around without a mask or a face shield. I will also violate any and all remaining social distancing guidelines. You know, get within four feet of someone rather than six. That should work.

After all, according to the mainstream media and Governor Whitmer, that makes me a monster, right?

And if you can't see the humor in what I just said, take a pill will ya?

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