Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tea treason

I have developed a taste for the style of hot beverage known as English breakfast tea. It began in 2018 when I was fighting a cold while working a trade show in Indianapolis. The Keurig in my room had two pods of regular coffee, one of decaf (not sure anybody's drank that yet) and one of the tea. It tasted so good and seemed to help settle my cold so well that I trundled downstairs and bought several more pods from the hotel commissary. The tea honestly raised my spirits and made me feel physically better.

English breakfast tea is dark and coffee like in appearance. Taken without milk or sugar it actually rivals coffee in flavor. It also has more caffeine that coffee (most teas do as I understand, so why are we always told to watch our coffee but never our tea intake?). What's not to like?

Still, I feel, I dunno, like it's un-American to drink a tea so English. Do I have to turn in my patriot card?

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