Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Oh, the weather outside

Got up this morning and out the door before sunrise and cleared the first snow from the walks and the cars. It's not that I am or should be overly proud of such an achievement. It's only what a guy should do, right? But, well, I got out and cleared the first snow of the winter. And that's what eats at me. It's the first snow of the winter.

How many more snows are coming? How many more inches or feet of the white powder are lying in wait for me? It's just December 1st, after all. We can have snow into April. In fact we have. I remember one 6 or 7 inch snowfall on the last day of curling once, the first Monday in April that season. Twice in my life baseball Opening Day has been delayed by late snows. So we've, what, around five months of potential winter ahead of us? This after having snow flurries well into May of 2020, as astute readers may recall that I had remarked about. 

But, of course, 2020. 2021 surely can't match that, can it?

Please, please tell me I did not just hear a voice say, 'Hold my beer.'

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