Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Cleveland Baseball Club

It seems, in keeping with the spirit of the times, that the Cleveland Indians are going to change their name. Well, so be it. They are within their rights to do that, even if such a choice is a gutless, puerile attempt to seem relevant to those who don't even care about sports in general or baseball in particular. Those petty tyrants will have their way.

That concession made, I wonder where that leaves the Notre Dame Fighting Irish? As a person of Irish descent, and with the apparent right to be insulted which the current political climate demands, I suppose I must be offended by that. Then there's the San Diego Padres; have you seen the goofy monk swinging a bat which is one of their logos? As a Catholic, do have I the right, indeed the obligation, to be enraged by such a picture? And I haven't gotten yet to the Wake Forest Demon Deacons. My Protestant friends and family should be chomping at the bit, they should be in arms about that, oughtn't they?

I am not upset at all by the University of Notre Dame (well, at least their athletics), the San Diego Baseball Club, or Wake Forest. Nor should I be. They're employing monikers for fun, people. For fun. None of those mascot choices in their natures put anyone down. Neither does the name Indians. Period.

Still, again, the Cleveland Baseball Club has the moral right to change their name. If they open to suggestion, I recommend the Pastel Unicorns. 

Great. Now I've brought the wrath of unicorn nation down upon me, haven't I? After all, I'm being unjust to non-pastel unicorns.

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