Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Would Pops and Joe approve?

We're busy. That's as good as it is unexpected in these COVID days. When all this fear mongering began in February I presumed (when you presume, you make a pre out of you and me?) this year would be in the tank, a completely off year. Yet it's been good, presumably (when you pre...oh, skip it, they didn't get it the first time) because we're part of the waste disposal industry. With so many more than usual folks stuck at home, well, when drain cleaners are more in demand drain snake sales and repairmen become more in demand too.

I've told you my joke, haven't I? I sell drain snakes; my mind's always in the sewer.

Stop groaning. So we've been busy enough that I've done something which me Pops nor his father before him, me Grandpa Joe, rarely if ever did. I've begun turning away business.

To be sure, I turn away nothing ordinary. All the major brands, especially Electric Eel (Electric Eel: for all your drain cleaning needs!) get prompt treatment. But off brands, and believe it or not there are drain snake off brands which are the drain snake equivalent of Yugos, out there. And we've begun turning them away. It's too hard to get parts for them, and the folks who buy them don't care to pay going repair rates (which is why they got the Yugo drain snake anyway).

My only worry is, will Pops and Grandpa Joe forgive me? Or is there a level of Purgatory I'll have to go through which no one else will see?

I hope it is only Purgatory...

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