Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Editing Marty

I write. I like writing. I (generally) like what I write. But enough is enough, even of me and my own creations.

My current project is to get a book in print which has fell out of print because the company who I originally published it through has gone out of business. No, I don't think it was because of my book. But if so, woe to the one who has accepted it for republication.

Let me tell you, though, the editing process can be a chore, especially on a tome which I had considered finished. I myself, after some suggestions the company had made, offered 203 edits following the initial round of review. Some I don't think were my fault: there were issues of spacing in the proof copy they sent to me which were not in the document I send them. Still, 203 changes were far more than I expected. When I read an old copy of it as first published, I didn't find nearly that much wrong. 

Now I have another proof copy to go over which includes those alterations. In reading it I have already found 18 edits which I want to make in the first first 49 pages of a 217 page book. Some have to be made, some are more stylistic. Still, 18 more after the initial 203 seems to me an awful lot, and I still have 158 pages to go.

Then there's the fact that this makes the fifth time in three months I've had to reread my own writing. Even I'm getting sick of me, and I really like the story. The editors tell me it's a good story. But I'll have to go over it one more time after the next batch of edits are made. I'm not particularly looking forward to that.

I sure hope it sells after all this...

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