Monday, November 8, 2021

She Likes Me

Our Sunday ride yesterday was quite productive. We found a space heater for the Shop at a good price, and had our usual McDonald's cheeseburgers. That took about a half an hour when it didn't appear that it should have but, hey, first world problems, right?

Mom frequently asks if we're in a hurry, yet always adds, "But if you're in a hurry I'm in a hurry," indicating that if we have to rush home we simply have to, and she understands. Fortunately we've only had to rush once, when the heat gauge was creeping up and I felt it better to get home promptly than be stuck somewhere waiting for a tow, well, with Mom in tow.

Right after we left Home Depot with the heater Mom asked, "Do we have to hurry?"

"Nope," I replied, then added, "But we can hurry if you want to hurry."

"No, take your time. I'm enjoying the company."

Now, I ask you, how could I deny her such quality time with her favorite son? We took a nice, long, leisurely ride.

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