Monday, November 1, 2021

Halloween in Review

Halloween 2021 wasn't bad. It was definitely a throwback; we had more kids than last year, although with COVID and all I suppose that was to be expected. But the groups and individuals who came around to us were a good bunch. We tend to lament the same thing as many (if not most) other times and places that 'kids today aren't what they once were'. I don't think they are, as a whole, any better or worse than in most generations, at least in general terms of respect and courtesy.

I think we had around 300, but we didn't count. For me it's more about enjoying the moment, one of the few days a year when the community actually feels like a community. That's a spirit we could stand more of, quite honestly.

I honestly anticipate Halloween more than any other major secular holiday. It's a relatively no frills celebration. Our religious holidays could use a dose of that, methinks.

Ah well. Let's do this again next year, shall we?

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