Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Indignant For Dad

Hey Pops, how are you today?

I haven't written in a while; sorry about that. But an event has sprung up which, I find, infuriates me on your behalf, and reminds me to write.

You remember the Choco Taco ice cream treat from Klondike? The one you loved so much? Well, they've gone and discontinued it. You can't get them anymore. It's all here: Choco Taco gone

Can you believe that? I always thought they were quite popular. Now: poof, no longer available.

I know you're not indignant about it from where you are. You can't be, and that's how it is. How it should be. So I'll be indignant for you here on Earth. That won't hurt my chances in Eternity too much, will it?

Until next time,


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