Wednesday, December 28, 2022

In Between the Holidays

We are, in case you didn't notice, almost exactly in between Christmas and New Year's Day. They fall on Sundays this year. Well, Christmas falls on Sunday this year while New Year's falls on Sunday next year. But you knew what I meant.

Which day of the week is it best for these holidays to occur? It is nice having a long week in between the two, but I rather believe that Thursday is the best day. You effectively get consecutive four day weekends when that happens, which is nice. Technically you get that when they fall on Tuesdays too. But as Wednesday work days follow those Tuesdays, it isn't as fun.

Me Uncle John who I call Zeke liked it best when Christmas and New Year's were on Wednesdays, right smack in the middle of the week. It breaks up the weeks nicely, in his mind, and you do get that convenient weekend in between for more a relaxed holiday season. 

Fridays and Mondays aren't terrible. With Fridays you do get two three day weekends in a row, while Monday has the Tuesday problem of workdays immediately following.

What do you think is the best day for Christmas and New Year? And why am I asking? Because yes, Ron, this is a slow news day.

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