Sunday, December 18, 2022

In the Spirit of the Season

We all know that the Christmas season is a trying time for those in retail, and understandably. There are a lot of karens out there, and not all of them are Nick. That quip is a compliment, BTW, and an experiment to see if a good buddy of mine (or anyone who knows him) might notice.

Yesterday while out shopping I actually found myself alone before a line of unattended cash registers, an unusual enough occurrence in normal times but highly irregular during peak shopping seasons. But it was relatively early in the morning, a bit before eight in fact.

With a dawning paranoia and looking around for the candid camera, I at first saw no one. Then I heard a voice from somewhere among the shelving assuring me, "I'll be right with you sir." In a moment a young woman appeared, maybe 20 or so, and apologetically began to ring up my items.

She spoke of this and that as she scanned. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting, we can't get help. Ugh, it's so cold, I don't like the cold. I haven't even begun my Christmas shopping yet, I don't know when I'll find the time. I'm working every day, and Christmas Eve until 4. I don't care if we have a white Christmas, cause snow's just another thing to be a problem." God bless her, she went on for a bit. But if it was good therapy for this frazzled young woman, I was glad to lend an ear.

I paid, and after she gave me my change she held out my bag of purchases to me. Then, and I do mean with the sweetest smile and the most truly, genuinely pleasant voice, one of the most pleasant you can expect this time of year, more so, really, she offered, "Merry Christmas, sir." 

"Merry Christmas," I said back. I do hope she has one.


Anonymous said...

And to you Marty my sincere….Merry Christmas

Charles Martin Cosgriff said...

To you and yours too, my friend!