Friday, December 2, 2022

The Ballad of 46 Bucks

Recently I picked up a third car. I kept one of my old cars insured as one of those 'just in case' measures. It cost $263 dollars for six months to do that.

I ended up getting rid of the third car, well, the second car, because I just got the third car, if you know what I mean, more readily that I expected, so I hopped online and cancelled the insurance on the second (which had become my third car, if you know what I mean). Online told me that a direct deposit refund of $319 would be sent to my bank.

Okay, I'll take the money. Who wouldn't? But I don't understand how I can get $46 more back than what I had I paid for the extra insurance, even after the fee being prorated. Especially after the fee being prorated, for I did have three cars on the policy for about a month. I can't help but wonder, too, if I may have found a way to make a living simply by switching cars on and off insurance. Is it worth a try?

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