Friday, December 23, 2022

A Snowball's Chance

First of all, credit where it's due. The weather forecasters for Detroit and environs were quite right that temperatures were going fall fast, and to dangerous levels of cold. They appear to be correct about the high winds making it feel colder that it is. A tip of the hat is proper. Yet we will get nowhere near the amount of snow that was being predicted as recently as, oh, twelve hours before I hammered this missive out. Christmas Snowmageddon 2022 will not happen. 

I'm not saying that conditions aren't serious. I'm not saying that we shouldn't take rational precautions. But I am saying the whole thing is just like COVID: 'we're all gonna die if we don't isolate at home' seems to be the basic, go-to response of government experts.

I mean, who ultimately drives weather forecasts? The National Weather Service. A government agency. Who drove the COVID scare? The National Institutes of Health. A government agency. Who needs to justify their jobs to keep them? Government bureaucrats. How do they keep their jobs? By instilling fear in the citizenry, for one thing.

They're going to succeed in the exact opposite of the best response if they're not careful. People not unlike me will see it as crying wolf, and won't believe them when an actual predatory animal nears until it really is too late.

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