Thursday, December 22, 2022

Let Dominoes Fall

I admit it: sometimes I feel like being a complete snot just to be a snot.

Domino's Pizza has lately been running a commercial about the 300,000 or so electric cars they're going to be using for pizza delivery because 'it's better for the planet'. I get it. They're trying to appeal to potential consumers with a smarmy and vaguely self righteous sales pitch. It's their right.

Yet with me, every time I see the commercial - every single time - I find myself seriously considering calling in an order - a very small order like breadsticks - simply as a reason to drive my gasoline burning van to a competitor of Domino's and pick it up myself. I merely want to assert, in my own little way, that you can jump off a bridge with your virtue signaling, Big Pizza Chain. I will drive my new old van whenever and wherever I want, as I'm not actually harming the planet in any real, long term way. Earth is resilient, folks. 

In some ways I think I am becoming a curmudgeon. And, as my friend Maxwell Smart says, loving it.

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