Sunday, December 4, 2022

Not Quite What I Expected

Never fear, dear readers, I'm not going to start typing out Sunday sermons for you, although I do reserve the right to do so occasionally. I suppose, then, this is one of those occasions.

Recently I've been following the vlog of a young priest, Fr. Mark Goring. I like his style, presence and charisma. He's not fire or brimstone, and when he speaks, he makes easily understandable points. Too many priests can't seem to manage that. At least, they can't manage it without resorting to shallow, saccharine pablum which simply can't pass muster as rational thought let alone ideals which might actually inspire the troops. Further, Father Goring can express deep thoughts in around four minutes while the mindless drivel of many of his peers can profoundly bore us for upwards of twenty. But I digress.

One of Fr. Goring's recent talks was on Purgatory. Catholics believe that Purgatory is a place between Earth and Heaven where the dead not quite ready for Heaven go to be 'purged' of their residual sinfulness. And do you know what Fr. Goring said is the reason most folks are in Purgatory? Complaining about rather accepting and working with their lot in life.

I'm in trouble.

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