Monday, May 13, 2024

A Moment of Panic

I had to put in a few hours at the old barn yesterday, trying to stay on top of repairs. On one job a bolt had come slightly loose, yet was also frozen in place. I'd have to heat it to get it out and intsall a new one.

Duly igniting the torch with the part anchored in a bench vise, I proceeded to get that thing cherry red. Turning off the torch, I grabbed a wrench. To my horror I realized that I was tightening the bolt. Nuts; I'm going to be stupid and make this problem worse.

Only I didn't. It was a rarity, one of those left threaded screws which occasionally pop up in the mechanical world. Thinking it was right thread I was tightening it. But that actually did the job. The parts came together properly.

Lucky or good? In this case, I'm happy with lucky.

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