Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Protesting What?

As I stood pumping gas into my new old van (as opposed to my newer older van you might recall) I noticed a home made sticker on the pump. It was very home made: they were the rectangular stickers we used to use to mark VHS tapes. There's no other employment for them these days I suppose.

Anyway, the sticker proclaimed 'philanthropy is not justice'. 

Hmm. Well, maybe not, but I think so. I mean, as philanthropy, which is what any one of us do when we contribute to a worthwhile cause, is a good thing, I'd call it justice in the sense that we should help those people and righteous causes in need. It's a kind of justice anyway.

What I can't figure out is what the author of the sticker is protesting. I mean, even if it's not justice, philanthropy is good, isn't it? So why appear to knock it at all?

I'm flabbergasted. But it's not like that hasn't happened before.

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