Friday, May 3, 2024

Mom's Turn

We know all about Dad jokes, right? As a dad, I've proudly and defiantly told my share. But what about Moms? Why don't Mom jokes get their day? Well, let's rectify that. Here's a Mom joke, from me very own Mom.

Mom suffered with diabetes the last twenty or so years of her life, but that didn't get her down. When declining a sugary treat of whatever kind she would explain, "No, thank you. I'm already so sweet I have to take pills for it."

Right on, Mom!


Anonymous said...

Right on Martin. You know that behind every good man there is an even greater woman!! Love the Mom joke so much I think it qualifies for a Dad joke 😂. With your permission of course, or should I say, with your Mom’s permission I would like to use it.

Charles Martin Cosgriff said...

Use it to your heart's content. Mom would love it!